Our Philosophy
We understand health comes not from treating symptoms, but from finding and fixing the underlyling cause of the problem. Your brain controls every function in your body. The spinal cord carries all of the brains messages to the body and the spinial column is what protects it. To get out of pain and achieve your optimum health potential the pathways from your brain to your body must be able to function at their highest level possible. Those pathways run directly through your spine. When your spine is out of it's normal position, AKA has a SUBLUXATION, the signals traveling from your brain on those pathways cannot work correctly or efficiently.
Our purpose is to help everyone in our community and our lives achieve optimum health by correcting subluxations of the spine and maximizing your body's amazing natural healing processes.
Fill out our quick intake form and save time at the office. All patient's need to fill out the Patient Health History. If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident you will also need to fill out the Auto Accident Questionnaire.
9am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
9am - 1pm & 3pm - 6pm
9am - 11am & pm by appt.
Hablamos Espanol
Accidentes, Quiropractico Kent, Auto Accident, Автомобильные аварии., dolor de cuello Kent, ciatica Kent, nervio ciatico Kent, disco herniado Kent, dolor de espalda Kent, Dolor de Espalda en los Niños, hernia de disco Kent, cirugia Kent, Accidente de trabajo Kent, accidentes Kent, Травмы на работе., Травмы в быту.